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Tonkinese Cats

Kot tonkijski, który wygląda na bardzo ciekawskieGo Piękny kot tokijski o lśniącej sierści Młody kot tonkijski z jasnozielonymi oczami

Historia i wygląd

These breed is the result of a breeding programme set up in Canada which started in the 1960s. There are two breeders that are given credit for founding this breed. On of whom was Jane Bartlett. She set out to create a breed of cat that was in between a Burmese and a Siamese, but was similar to earlier naturally occurring versions of the Tonkinese.

At the same time Margaret Conroy set up her breeding programme in Canada. Conroy had a timid Burmese female that she was worried about sending out to a stud. She instead decided, on recommendation from a judge, to breed her Burmese female with a Siamese. Bartlett and Conroy began to work together on the breed. From here the Tonkinese was born.

Zachowanie i hodowla

These are strong willed cats that love attention and affection. You will find your Tonkinese everywhere and anywhere you are. They are intelligent and can be trained (patience and perseverance may be required on your part). These are extremely social cats and will not do well if left on their own. They are very playful and are very vocal due to the Siamese and Burmese in their blood.


Natural (a medium brown), champagne (a paler beige), blue, platinum, red, cream, caramel, apricot and tortoiseshell.

Informacje o rasie

  • Status: Rasa powszechnie spotykana
  • miejsce pochodzenia: USA
  • Orientacyjny czas pochodzenia: 1950s
  • Długość sierści: Krótki włos
  • Poziom aktywności: wysoki
  • Głośność: wysoki
  • Child friendly: Dobry dla dzieci
  • Inteligencja:
  • Skłonność do zabawy: Skłonny do zabawy
  • Wymagania co do sierści: Rzadziej niż raz na tydzień
  • Waga: 2.5 - 5.5kg
  • Rozmiar: M
  • Kot trzymany w domu czy na zewnątrz: Kot domowy
  • Dopasowanie do innych zwierząt:
  • Potrzeba towarzystwa:

Tonkinese Pictures

Podwójne kłopoty
Benny & Ty
Theo, krem z Chocolatw Points
Lotsie, liliowy tonk

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